B105 Potentiomètre Piher à film de carbone Potentiomètre espagnol à résistance réglable
B105 Carbon Film Piher Potentiometer Adjustable Resistance Spanish Potentiometer Flux builded-up prevention is taken through inserting molding around the resistorwith resin.
PT10 Carbon Film Piher Potentiomètre Potentiomètre Espagnol
PT10 Carbon Film Piher Potentiometer Spanish Potentiometer Flux builded-up prevention is taken through inserting molding around the resistorwith resin.
B104 Potentiomètre Arrow Piher PT10 10mm 6mm 10mm 15mm Potentiomètre Espagnol
B104 Arrow Piher Potentiometer PT10 10mm 6mm 10mm 15mm Spanish Potentiometer   Flux builded-up prevention is taken through inserting molding around the resistorwith resin.
B103 Capteur espagnol à résistance réglable de film de carbone à angle droit de contrôle latéral B50K
B103 Right Angle Side Control Carbon Film Adjustable Resistance B50K Spanish Potentiometer Flux builded-up prevention is taken through inserting molding around the resistorwith resin.